Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge, 14 Sept 2022: Bright Pink or Magenta

Posting for Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge: Bright Pink or Magenta

Self painted this for an art project when she was in sixth grade at Assumption Convent in Manila. She brought it with her to graduate school in California. Last year, she pulled it from its usual spot (under the bed) and unrolled it. The colors were still fresh, after all these years! Amazing! She never put any kind of protection over the paint.

On the back, she had written:

If you have two loaves of bread
Sell one and with the other
Buy hyacinths to feed your soul.

She doesn’t know where the quote was from, so she decided to google. Found an article about the original poem in The Paris Review.

When she took it to University Art Center on El Camino Real to be framed, they asked the standard question: estimated value? Self responded, probably nothing. The staff person wrote down: Sentimental Value.

Stay tuned.

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