It’s Raining, It’s Pouring . . .

Two rose trellises knocked to the ground. Forgot to take in the market umbrella, so in a few minutes will have to rush out to the backyard (after donning boots and slicker, of course!) and attempt to detach it from the table.

My, those gusts of wind are mighty strong! And self picked today to meet a student from xxxx community college for coffee.

Hmmm, let’s see, what news of vital importance can self impart today?

    A man who was incarcerated in Dallas County Jail for 27 years was released yesterday, after new DNA tests established his innocence. (Self read somewhere, perhaps in The New York Times, that Texas practically has a pipeline to executions: that is, if you are convicted in Texas of a crime punishable by death, chances are very very good that you will indeed end up dead)
    An intoxicated Britney Spears was taken away from her home in an ambulance last night, following a custody dispute with her ex (Sad, so very sad)

Hmmm, what else?

Self did not get to the library yesterday, though she did go the day before, to return The Swallows of Kabul (Excellent book: self gobbled it up in practically two days). Then she borrowed two more: one by Jon Krakauer on the Mormons (since Mitt Romney is a Mormon, after all — self wondered how a Mormon ever got to be governor of Massachusetts), and another by Stanford feminist scholar Marilyn Yalom, The Birth of the Chess Queen.

Self would also like to add one more entry to the list of local events for January, and this is a truly fab event with author Gail Tsukiyama in the Redwood City Library (part of the library’s great Meet the Author series, which last year focused on all Afghan authors and so had readings by Khaled Hosseini, among others)

Here are the details:

Gail Tsukiyama, author of the bestsellers Samurai’s Garden and Women of the Silk, returns with another fascnating spellbinder, The Street of a Thousand Blossoms.

She will be reading at the Redwood City Library’s Downtown Branch (1044 Middlefield Rd. at Jefferson) on Thursday, Jan. 31, 7 PM, in the Downtown Library Community Room.

This event is FREE. Books for sale are being provided by M is for Mystery, San Mateo.

See you there!

3 responses to “It’s Raining, It’s Pouring . . .”

  1. Hey great blog! Just now stumbled across it. I like some of the titles you mentioned, and I’ll probably go out and read the Street of a Thousand Blossoms after I’ve googled it and all that good stuff. Come by my blog sometime!


  2. Best movie adaptation? good question! I might have to write a blog on that one sometime…haha so look to find out. I know that Nic Cage is a comic nut, but I don’t know about the biggest ever? I did just write a post on the Iron Man movie if you get a chance leave some comment love!


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